Paygine is a financial platform designed for payment of currencies in the world of cryptocurrency and currency exchange with coins can also be payments for "real" goods, Paygine itself can be used by all parties including companies, entrepreneurs and individuals or groups Based on the needs of international banks and financial organizations , founder of Best2Pay decided to create a new platform that was united by an IT system with a new platform called Paygine.Paygine itself was launched by international banks and financial organizations, to simplify and streamline payments or buy and sell transactions in the cryptocurrency world. Paygine's main competitive advantage over similar projects is to take advantage of Best2Pay services and technologies currently used by FinTech, e-commerce and business so on.
The Paygine platform will offer the following services by utilizing Best2Pay technology available:
- Transfer cryptocurrency to / from a bank card.
- Pay in stores and shops using cards in cryptocurrency.
- Receive cryptocurrency as payment for goods and services in online stores.
- Transfers cross-border fiat currencies using cryptocurrency at minimal cost.
- Maintain wallets in both fiat and cryptocurrency currencies with the ability to easily and quickly convert funds between them.
Advantages of the Paygine Platform
- White Label Model Providing customers with a payment instrument under their brand name, regardless of the size of their business.
- Using tokens If a project is launched, each token holder will have the right to pay for goods or tokens in a ratio of 1 PGC = 1 USD.
- The strongest Professional Team has long-term experience of retail space from around the world. The development team is ready to tailor all your services to projects from various levels of complexity.
The company's financial technology proposes solutions to different problems but no development or support from surrounding communities, the problems facing the Paygine team have a dream of developing their own paygine to advance and increase the existence of a salt changer in the world of cryptocurrency.
Paygine Best2Pay
- Best2Pay is the foundation of a truly successful processing center used by the Paygine financial platform.
- Best2Pay is the first network developed and established in the UK in 2012 by banking system experts who have experience in building large projects such as the Russian Standard Bank, St. Bank. Petersburg, American Express, Sberkbank, Raiffeisenbank, and SEB.
- The Best2Pay platform is a system that allows projects to be implemented from complexity. Best2Pay will consider the unique features of business processes, infrastructure and target clients.
- Best2Pay uses E-Commerce and Fintech Focus projects which will serve more than 1.5 Million customers whose numbers will increase by 34% per month.
- Best2Pay is a market leader for Perr2Peer (P2P) payday loan and transfer service payment services, which is done online.

Information Token
- PGC Token
- Ethereum Platform
- Type ERC20
- Price at ICO 1 PGC = 1 USD
Investment Information
- Receive BTC, ETH, Fiat
- Distributed in ICO 27.3%
- Soft cap 3000000 USD
- Hard cap 30,000,000 USD
- Token for sale: 41.508.000 PGC
- Pre Sales: December 26, 2017
- Private sale: May 18 2018
- Paygine ICO: June 18, 2018
Token Distribution and Projection of Revenue Use
- Token name and logo: PGC
- Price: 1.00 PGC = 1.00 USD
- Blockchain: Ethereum, ERC20
- Using tokens: After the launch of the project, each holder will have the right to pay for goods or services using tokens in a ratio of 1 PGC = 1 USD.
- All unsold token will be sent there for use on the Paygine platform in the future.

- Tokens distributed among project investors will be 41 508 000 PGC (27.92%)
- Tokens distributed among project team members will be 22,500 000 PGC (14.71%)
- The tokens allocated for reserves are 87 742 392 PGC (56.59%)
- Retirement tokens to bounties will be 1 191 608 PGC (0.78%)
Fund Distribution Scheme:
- Buy a bank (64.9%)
- Staff (18.3%)
- Legal fees (registration, license, consultation) (4.8%)
- Operating costs (0.3%)
- Lease (1.3%)
- Buy software and settings (10.3%)


The main objective of Paygine is to build an open financial platform to accommodate FinTech's worldwide business, providing accommodation based on white label principles.
More information:
Website: https://www.paygine.com/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2916009
Telegram: https://t.me/PaygineBounty
Authored by. Irji Belajar
Bitcointalk Username: JandaLover
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1114280
ETH Address: 0x88E6436f37cB5479b3AF0D92ca1351841CDb0C48