Until developing our own in-house system for the management of the bounty campaigns, we personally experienced many of the same problems that plague the blockchain industry. These problems were disruptive enough that they reduced the effectiveness of the bounty campaigns.
What is Bounty Hunter?
Bounty Hunter is a project that allows followers and project workers to get a gift of tokens or coins.
Analysis of the competitive environment
At the moment, we can note only one direct competitor and approximately 10 indirect competitors. We are taking into account the projects that are working with the same target audience including the blockchain and crypto startups or companies.Indirect competitors with a similar target audience or who are using blockchain technology for the development of advertising platforms or protocols:
- Blockchain solutions (platforms and protocols), solving key problems of the digital advertising industry.
- Native advertising platforms.
- Projects at the ICO stage, solving different digital ads industry issues.
Technical features of the platform
Automatic activity tracking
Currently, the framework automatically parses and performs permanent action tracking for every registered infl uencer. Automatic parsing is carried out in the following channels:
- Vk
- Bitcointalk
The system analyzes each post on several parameters including the number of words in the post, the presence of a hashtag with a mention of the brand name, the presence of specifi ed keywords, links, and unique text. These parameters are used in the formulas for the calculation of the total rating for each infl uencer. If it’s impossible to carry out an automatic activity tracking, verifi cation is done manually by the bounty hunter.
Examples of such tasks:
- Translation of content
- Publication of articles / interviews / reviews on third-party media resources
- Registration for third-party resources, creating the subscription lists, etc.
For the convenience of task management and verifi cation of actions, an instant messenger will be integrated into the system that will allow direct communication with each infl uencer. This is especially useful in the case of custom tasks when a bounty manager has to communicate separately with each infl uencer. Infl uencer selection and fi ltering Within the platform, there are several ways to select infl uencers:
Automatic invitation of all available infl uencers into the campaign.
Invitation of infl uencers selected by certain options (rating, communication channel (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), metrics (coverage, average number of reposts for the post, etc.).
Manual invitation of infl uencers or creation of a closed bounty program, which is accessible only to selected users.
The parameters of the selection and fi ltration These parameters allow users to more fl exibly and accurately defi ne their potential audience, which is likely to have similar interests.
- Themes. This includes broad subjects like «ico,» «investment,» «cryptocurrency,» «trading,» etc.
This setting is very important because it refl ects the relevance of the interests of an infl uencer and his audience to the main thematic of the task.
- Communication channel. This is selected according to the main social channel such as website, blog, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, forum, etc.
- Gender - male / female
- The age of the audience ... to. ..
- Coverage - the number of followers or subscribers.
- Geo-targeting - region, which includes more than 70% of followers of an infl uencer.
- Language.
Ratings Calculation
To avoid participating in campaigns for infl uencers with aggregated accounts (bot-subscribers, irrelevant, copied content, etc.), the system calculates the rating of each infl uencer and his actions. Depending on the rank score, the system adjusts the cost for each action (in case of using CPA model for the campaign payout).
The Platform Token

The value of the platform is represented by the REW token, local currency, secured with the cryptographic algorithm and that can be used to purchase the subscription to use the service, as well as for internal transactions. The REW token functions as a utility token. The following table shows characteristics (marked in bold) of the REW utility token:

Our platform’s utility token can be compared with the API key that is provided to access the service and acts as an internal means of payment backed by
the smart contract, which is generated for each signifi cant activity within the platform (the launch of the campaign, funds distribution, etc.).
The purchase of the token during the ICO provides the opportunity to its owner to use internal services and gain access to the entire infrastructure of the platform. The token contains the transaction value. It may be transferred, donated, sold to a third party, to a counterparty, and purchased on the relevant exchanges. This transactional mechanism increases the potential market value and liquidity of the token.
The token is issued on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain, and it is ERC-20 compatible.
The platform takes a commission from each completed contract. These fees will be used to improve the operation value of the service and to update the technical functionality and increase infl uencers database.
Crowdsale Information Token issuance and distribution
White-list (private) 0,25 4,00 %
Pre-ICO 0,3 3,33 %
General ICO 0,5 2,00 %
From 2 mln. cap 0,7 1,43 %
From 5 mln. cap 0,85 1,18 %
From 8 mln. cap 1 1,00 %
Bounty allocation 100000 0,83 %
Referral program 200000 1,67 %
Team incentives 1200000 10,00 %
Advisor incentives 1200000 10,00 %
Pr/Marketing 3000000 25,00 %
Development 5500000 45,83 %
Legal (trademark registering, etc.)/Administration 160000 1,33 %
Contingency 600000 5,00 %
Round 1 12000000
Round 2 potential
Round 3 potential
Total: 12000000
For more please visit the link below:
Website: https://bountyhunters.io/
Whitepaper: https://bountyhunters.io/files/whitepaper.pdf
Authored by. Irji Belajar
My Name Account Bounty Hunter: Irji Belajar
Bitcointalk Username: JandaLover
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1114280
ETH Address: 0x88E6436f37cB5479b3AF0D92ca1351841CDb0C48