ABout Hada Dbank
HADA DBANK is the first Digital Bank to incorporate the Sharia Banking Module with Blockchain Technology to create ethical banking and responsible ecosystems. We are currently uncomfortable with the maltreatment of our customers against banks and financial institutions. There are players who make money through thin air because of debt and interest. For this reason, the global economy has collapsed over time, as it has emerged since the 1st century. The lack of responsibility charged by banks is brave enough. This bank is personal and anxious.
Think of the money you make as a solution to your problem, the tools you can use to create the life and lifestyle you want through smart choices about spending, saving, and investing.
Care and Personal: This is our core value, we shape and influence the services, processes, interactions, and running of our business. These words will guide our organization internally and through our behavior other than our customers and communities. We really want to be a bank that gives importance to improving human life, and not just profit. Personalization will also be the focus of our services. Different customers have different needs and require different attention and services. Customers must adjust DBANK HADA, as we believe everyone can wear the same pants.
We want to be a 'fair' organization in the financial industry. The 2007-2008 financial crisis serves as a great reminder of how some players are not responsible for turning the entire industry and millions of people living in financial assets. Islamic banking, because of the idea of transparency, the sharing of profits and losses will weaken market manipulation and eradicate other domino conflicts altogether.

Team HADA DBANK developed a comprehensive Digital Blockchain Bank that will make life easier in any situation. They will be able to perform banking activities at a cost of 0%, and at the same time they will be able to receive quality service from us. We are justified not only for profit, but for a better banking experience.
HADA DBANK Digital Bank will be the first Blockchain in the world to integrate Islamic Banking Module with Blockchain Technology to create ethical banking and responsible ecosystems. Because the World Bank and Gearbox Bank Block is a newly established Bank determined to Banking Services in the absence of such facilities. Sharia banking in 2016 is worth $ 1.5 trillion worldwide.
Islamic banks are less risky and tougher than their counterparts due to capital requirements and mobility of bank deposits. Unlike conventional banking, deposits made to Bank Islam have the right to say what they do with bank money. They have a vote about where their money should be put. Sharia banks also seek to avoid risks between lenders and borrowers.
There are two basic principles in Islamic banking. One is the profit and loss department; and two, the prohibition of interest collection and payment by buyers and investors. Under Islamic law, collective interests or "Riba" are not allowed. In terms of profits, banks and good customers have been agreed. In the case of all losses, financial losses will be the property of the lender. In addition, Islamic banks do not create debt without goods and services to support it (ie physical assets including machinery, equipment and supplies). For this reason, deposits, savings and investments in DBank will be supported by physical assets such as precious metals and precious stones.
HADA DBANK, using a private block chain that is stored on every node in the network. By default, all nodes are checked by DBANK HADA. Some nodes only record copies of the block chain and do not participate in the validation process (protocol compromise). This node can act as a gateway node or as a backup server. A node that acts as a validator can be found in a secure network segment of the bank and can be accessed from the gateway node.
The base database is implemented in a chain of building blocks where each block is a series of transactions. Each new block defines the new kernel status according to the previous block condition. Integrity of basic database, chain block, and compromise is provided. Each block is connected to the block cipher. This feature allows you to verify your database and transaction history anytime in the future. The main database stores all the data that passes through that point.
Price HADACOINs before ICO
Nearly 500 million HADACOIN will be awarded. 295 million coins will be sold. 295 million coins, 20 million private investors and lenders. In the near future we will release 27 million of the 50 million pieces of money when ICO is implementing the ICO Pre-exercise and the remaining 225 million coins are released. 10 million dollars will be allocated for campaign rewards.
Target financing before ICO
Soft Container = 5,000 ETH
Hard Cap = 20,000 ETH
Hadakoin Budget
35%: PAO ICO will be allocated for capital, research, and development.
30% of Operating Cost: for.
20%: for capital expenditure.
30%: HADA to hide DBANK.

For more please visit the link below:
Website: https://www.hada-dbank.com/
Bitcointalk Username: JandaLover
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1114280