Bitcoin (BTC)

Krosscoin - Universal App Monetization Platform

Introducing a consumption-based token technology that allows app developers to monetize whatever is available. The traditional digital-based license of user adoption while the freemium model with a growing transaction process. Consumption based removes the inherent adoption barriers on subscription applications to focus on application functionality. With KSS, monetization increases usage, giving incentives to app developers to evoke an engaging user experience. In addition to providing an underlying platform for every app developer to utilize, Krosscoin as a business is also actively developing mobile apps that are genuine in KSS currency use.

Krosscoin is a very elegant concept: building applications and frameworks that enable monetization using decentralized ethical blockades.

Features and Benefits

Krosscoin 3 ITO Phase
20 million KSS tokens will be available for the duration of ITO (28 February 2018 to 28 April 2108) in 3 phases of ITO. After this period, KSS will be listed and traded as standard token ERC20 on some exchanges. The project rewards the inventor of a new idea by partnering with the developer on ideas and ensuring that there is a share in the distribution of income. Also, it is effective in developing countries where local distribution is made and that income generates currency volatility that can generate balance in global distribution and other currency risks seen today. The Pipdroid Optima has a very interesting effect in some markets by delivering different new trading levels and there is no doubt, Petal and Petal products are proof of what is to come.

Phase 1
Pipdroid Pearl (for MT5)
The user-launched mobile algorithm trading platform, Pipdroid allows merchants to access Metatrader by launching Expert Advisor (EA or Bots) MQL5. Merchants can automate forex trading, commodities, and stocks. Some transactions consume KSS. Until now, automated trading requires the maintenance of complex technical infrastructure, monthly recurring costs, plus a great initial front-up cost program. Pipdroid reduces costs and offers ease, cutting-edge mobile commerce at your fingertips. Choose from over 20 brokers to run your own trading algorithm, or enable one of Pipdroid's trading bots.

Pipdroid Petal (for MT4)
The only mobile trading algorithm platform launched by users, Pipdroid allows merchants to access Metatrader by launching MQL4 Expert Advisors (EA or bot). Merchants can automate forex trading, commodities, and stocks. Some transactions consume KSS. Until now, automated trading requires the maintenance of complex technical infrastructure, monthly recurring costs, plus a great initial front-up cost program. Pipdroid reduces costs and offers ease, cutting-edge mobile commerce at your fingertips. Choose from over 20 brokers to run your own trading algorithm, or enable one of Pipdroid's trading bots.

Ribbon unifies text / voice / video communication with gift giving using cryptographic wallet. Ribbons enhance vital communication between teams, groups and families. Charities and nonprofits can utilize Ribbons for anonymous fundraising. Embedded GPS navigation enables direct encounter for social or cash to crypto transactions. Social networking integration can publish "ribbons" to inspire others to contribute. Ribbon can also send signed pdf documents / words and pinned with Google Translate.

Phase 2
Pipdroid Optima
It is an innovative and revolutionary exchange / exchange intermediary platform. It allows for forex, stock and crypto trades in the same environment. Transactions can be made on multiple exchanges simultaneously, arbitrage rate or optimize purchase and sale with ease. The chat platform accompanied by it enables group collaboration and sharing innovative ideas and knowledge. Optima introduced the idea of ​​"social commerce" in which a profitable portfolio copying was made. A profitable portfolio is known to get KSS from their customers.
Kross Monetization Platform
The use of Krosscoin where open platforms allow the distribution and monetization of any application. This platform can reward the inventor of their ideas by making them partners with developers and ensuring there is a share in the distribution of revenue.

Phase 3
Platforms and Trader Platforms
There is a promotion of using KSS on this platform among non-technical people. Creation of partnerships with media companies and online retailers by Krosscoin. Online stores in developing countries will benefit a lot because of currency options from KSS. The following are projects under the development of business: distribution of music, health care products, remittances, games.
Because Vinekross Corp. is based in the US, certain regulatory requirements must be met and certified before releasing crypto-trading capabilities. The minimum budget estimate for Phase 2 is $ 2 million, therefore, the contribution to complete this costly procedure is recommended for the birth of a breath app.


Bonus Turndown Schedule Token

Teams and Advisors

For more details about Krosscoin please visit the link below:
Official Website:

Authored By. Irji Belajar
Bitcointalk Username: JandaLover

iShook - Platform Konten Yang Berkualitas

Hallo Sahabat Belajar... Setelah sekian lama akhirnya Saya Irji kembali lagi... di sini Saya mau menjelaskan Sebuah Platform Konten Yang Berkualitas yaitu iShook.

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan dunia digital pembangunan yang tak terbendung lagi, kini telah hadir satu lagi ilmu sains dan teknologi yang telah hadir iShook.

Dimana setiap orang yang menggunakannya baik dengan membaca dan berbagi sesuatu yang baru kepadanya akan dibawa ke pengguna baru dimana mereka belum mengetahuinya, kembali dengan menceritakan cerita atau melihat artikel yang mereka lihat melalui iShok.

Ishook adalah proyek menciptakan nilai bagi ekonsistem dan berbeda dari proyek yang bersaing - tujuan iShook adalah untuk menghubungkan pembuat konten dan pemirsa sambil memanfaatkan teknologi pencegah dan tentu saja untuk memastikan konten yang kaya dikirimkan ke pengguna akhir. Apa yang dimulai sebagai sebuah visi dan platform sukses yang memungkinkan penerbit dan penjual buku membagikan karya mereka kepada jutaan pengguna berusaha untuk memecahkan batasan tersebut dan beralih ke semua bentuk konten.

IShook menyertakan ekosistem konten dimana kreativitas media bisa
menghasilkan keuntungan. IShook berencana untuk menjadi platform tidak hanya untuk memfasilitasi penerbit dan pembaca, tapi juga seniman, pemusik, aktor, dan pengembang konten yang mencari cara yang lebih baik untuk mengekspos dan menghasilkan uang materi mereka secara global.

Kelebihan iShook
  1. Bagi pengguna atau pembaca akan mendapatkan akses yang lebih baik untuk mencari konten yang mereka inginkan 
  2. Bagi Notepader yang ingin berbagi catatan yang mereka inginkan akan diberikan akses yang lebih baik secara langsung kepada penulis atau kreator dan bahkan pengguna lainnya. 
  3. Untuk Pembuat Konten / Penulis yang mencari jaringan tunggal atau jaringan istimewa, mereka akan mendapatkan akses untuk menulis, menerbitkan, mengatur, atau memasarkan konten mereka sendiri.
Alokasi dan ICO iShook
Mereka melakukan penjualan simbolis untuk menghasilkan dana bagi pengembangan platform SHOOK. Pra-penjualan token SHK aktif dan ICO utama dimulai pada 12 Maret 2018. Satu BTC setara dengan 36.000 SHK.

30% dana yang terkumpul akan digunakan untuk ekspansi, sementara 24% akan digunakan untuk pemasaran. Pencapaian terus menerus tim dalam meningkatkan teknologinya akan menjadi kunci keberhasilan platformnya. Tim ini berpengalaman dan terdiri dari insinyur, pengembang dan pecinta buku.

Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi link di bawah ini:

